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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Arinna Weisman's Dharma Talks at Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha
Arinna Weisman
My teaching practice and my personal practice continually intertwine, each weaving a pattern in the larger tapestry of the Dharma. The theme that threads itself throughout my practice relates to the tremendous pain and suffering, the challenges and difficulties that so many beings face, and the possibility of awakening from this suffering. From this immediate calling I've woven the purpose of my life.
2003-11-23 Giving 42:25
We are often blind to our own generosity, to the gift of our practice and efforts. The Buddha invites us to contemplate this beautiful quality of our minds, and its wholesome results, as part of the practice of growing and sustaining.
Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha
2003-11-22 Patience 45:03
Patience is one of the Paramis and gives us the strength to endure through difficult experiences. We can be inspired to practice it through contemplating leaders such as Mandela or the Dalai Lama who have faced extreme challenges in their lives without retribution or revenge, but with kindness and wisdom.
Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha
2003-11-18 Truthfulness 43:43
The commitment to truthfulness is a mirror which highlights our deepest intention to bring harmony and peace through kind and useful words. Also it shows us the sneaky seductions of lying, flattery and unkind speech.
Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha
2003-11-11 Morality 48:07
We have a tendency to see the world through success-failure, enemy-friend, good-bad. It is also possible to hold, with love, the ambiguity of life and our own ambivalence. Without splitting, we are able to live within the ethical guidelines given by the Buddha’s teachings.
Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha
2003-11-05 Friendship 33:17
The Buddha said sangha and spiritual friendship is the holy life. This practice involves learning to experience our own beauty and Buddha nature, and through this, the beauty of others.
Santa Fe Vipassana Sangha

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